What Goes Down Comes Back Up

Do you believe?  Therein lies the question facing us all on a day-by-day basis.  Do you believe your business will turn around?  Do you believe your health will improve?  Do you believe spring will arrive?  Do you believe the boy or the girl will call?  Do you believe most importantly in you?  Our belief system is the main engine that drives activity and has the power to turn potential into reality. Disbelief is what grinds action to a halt.  Just a little over 2 years ago disbelief was rampant.  It was rampant over the state of the economy and the markets ...

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How Will This Affect My Life?

The key component of the question here is "Life". Everything we do has a cause and affect.  Nothing we do or think happens in a vacuum.  It all has an affect, yet far too often we give too much weight to issues that don't deserve it. How we view any and all outcomes can do this.  Greatly impact the sub-conscious mind and as a result affect our current situation and ultimately our belief system.  What we believe we can achieve.  What we doubt gets shut out.  So how do we deal with situations?  What can we do to put it ...

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Find What You Love And Never Let It Go

Doing what you love is the surefire way to living the life you deserve.  Here is the framework however of the society we live in.  We are told over and over again we are to get a good education so we can get a good job so we can pay our bills and be responsible until our final days here when we get to ask "What was this all about?"  The simple truth is that we can still Continue Reading

A Philosophy That Stands The Test Of Time

There are certain events in all of our lives that touch us and leave a lasting impression.  Sometimes scars form.  Other times fond memories take their place in the album of our lives.  Still others have the capacity to imprint on our psyche and personal philosophy.  Over the weekend a memory took me back to a hospital bed in early June 1968.  I was 13 at the time and was hospitalized to have my appendix removed.  On the second day after surgery the funeral of Bobby Kennedy was broadcast on every television channel available. The world had not yet healed from the ...

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Death Of The Dictator

We are witnessing incredible change around the world.  People are rising up and pushing back against repressive regimes and dictators.  People want to be heard.  They want rights.  They want to be in charge of their own lives and their own destiny and to be allowed to exercise their God given right to pursue their dreams.  This challenge, spurred on by the power of technology and communication is putting them at great personal risk.  A risk they have decided in balance is the lesser evil pared against their current situation.  This change I have noted is coming not only from ...

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I Did It. I Really Did It

Here is what we have the chance to do right now. At this very moment.  This is not something to put on our to do list or file it in the "soon" category but now.  Right this very moment. We have the capacity to make the decision, to steel ourselves to say "now" is when I choose to stop putting off.  Now is the time I will commit to bringing real change to my life; to doing the things I know will move me closer to the life I deserve. Continue Reading

If You Have Nothing Good To Say...

You know how this quote finishes.  It was told to us by our parents and our teachers and a good many of those in a position of influence around us throughout life.  Here's what this is.  Great advice.  There is so many negatives whirling around in all of our lives, the one way we can show ourselves to be different is to not tear another down so as to build ourselves up.  The bloodsport known as the Election Campaign is well underway and the archers are reaching back into their quivers and firing poisoned arrows into the night sky with ...

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The Difference Between Wanting And Having

We all have hopes.  We all have dreams. We all want for more.  Wanting and having are two very different things.  Consider that all that you desire is behind the red door. All the treasures and life experiences and happiness possible is there.  You know it.  We all know it.  Some actually have an abundance of it. All you need do to have it is to defeat the gatekeeper that guards the treasure on the other side.  You should know that this gatekeeper has no substance.  No presence.  It has no claws or gnashing teeth.  It cannot move men or ...

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You Won't Always Clean Toilets

"I can't see it" says the man, mired in challenge and despair. "From where I am I just can't see how I'm ever going to get out of this".  While this statement may sound grounded in despair, it represents the challenge all of us face on a daily basis.  Even if we are able to articulate what we want or who we want to become, our current reality can be the great thief of promise and growth.  What we have and where we are is easy to see and believe.  We are living it.  Where we want to go and ...

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Say Thank You When Stuck In Traffic

As Jim Rohn once said, "In order to have more you must become more".  Very simple philosophy but very powerful.  I have shared the statistic before that it is reported a full 43% of college graduates never read another book after graduating.  Considering this,  it's not hard to see why so many people are stuck.  Education is not something that can stop if we expect to grow. The necessity of continued learning is the cause and affect of everything.  While not all of it takes place in a lecture hall there are opportunities to grow each and every day.  You may ...

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