Find What You Love And Never Let It Go

Doing what you love is the surefire way to living the life you deserve.  Here is the framework however of the society we live in.  We are told over and over again we are to get a good education so we can get a good job so we can pay our bills and be responsible until our final days here when we get to ask "What was this all about?"  The simple truth is that we can still Perspectives - The Power to Change from Within by Randy Taylor of Taylormade Leadership @TheWinnerWithin (Social)support ourselves and be responsible all the while doing what we love.  I get that this is not easy. Psychologically that is.  The conditioning our sub-conscious mind goes through over a lifetime creates the barrier that says,"That's not possible.  We all have to work and that's just the way it is".  Counter to that, thousands of others have figured it out and do what they love everyday.  Why not you?  I thought of this watching my little girl go about her business around the house this morning. Everywhere she went she dragged her favourite thing in the world along with her.  A stuffed dog she has named Coquette after our neighbours dog.  It has become the love of her life.  Her older brother found his best friend in a stuffed cat with these huge eyes he named Snickle fritz nearly five years ago. He still has it to this day and going to sleep without it is not an option. They are both 100% connected to something so simple as a stuffed animal they love.  I know we have all had stuffed animals or blankets or toys we became attached to and I guess that's the lesson.  So many great lessons come from our children.  Replace the blanket or stuffed animal with that thing you love and are deserving of spending your life in pursuit of.  Today my kids taught me a great lesson.  Find what you love and never let it go.  Have an excellent day.   Be well, Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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