Published on February 27, 2015

I sat down one evening to work on creating an edition of "Perspectives". It is a fascinating process everyday to just allow the day to happen and trust that an event of the day will inspire me enough to want to write about it and share it with you. I read a quote that caused a movie to play back in my mind from a very ...
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Published on February 26, 2015

An unfortunate aspect of society is that we are trained to believe that to fail is to, well fail. Not true. All you need do is look at every aspect of your life and you will see that failure is the very reason you have accomplished anything. Failure to grasp an object when we were very small led to incredible determination to persist ...
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Published on February 25, 2015

There are three elements to life that produce results. They are opportunity, plan and activity. Without these three, life has the tendency to stay where it is. Look at where we live. Opportunity surrounds us everyday in the marketplace, in our communities and families. The chance to create a plan once a goal is chosen is available to ...
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Published on February 24, 2015

The wildly fluctuating prices of energy and talk of problems relative to dependence have created great discussions over what should be done. Should the focus be on developing alternative fuels, should we, as Sarah Pailin put it, "Drill baby, drill", look at cutting back or prepare for the ultimate Armageddon when the flame will go out and we will simply sit staring ...
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Published on February 23, 2015

There are a great many reasons to do what we do everyday. To make money, to feed our children, to contribute to the economy and many more. Like Maslow's hierarchy of needs, right up near the top shelf is the musing of the question, "Did I make a difference?"
On top of all of the other ...
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Published on February 20, 2015

Here is what we have the chance to do right now. At this very moment. This is not something to put on our to do list or file it in the "soon" category but now. Right this very moment.
We have the capacity to make the decision; to steel ourselves to say "now" is ...
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Published on February 19, 2015

Likely the greatest challenge we will ever face in life rests between our ears. Overcoming the voice in our head that so often speaks counter to what we are looking to achieve and what direction we hope to move towards is the nemesis of growth. It really is a basic formula of mathematics. The more information that ...
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Published on February 18, 2015

There occasionally are ways of looking at life that provide the answers to the great questions that many of us search for. These ideas or "perspectives" provide insight so clear and concise that they can form the foundation of our philosophy. I recall years ago hearing a statement from Jim Rohn that encapsulated the entire proposition of personal growth. He ...
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Published on February 17, 2015

Twenty minutes ago I was sitting on the counter in the bathroom upstairs talking with and listening to a great Cinderella story from my 5-year-old daughter Faith who was in the tub and we were talking about the movie frozen. Directly over the bath is a large skylight. Looking up in anticipation she said, “When will it be winter daddy? "Can ...
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Published on February 16, 2015

We all want to just be happy. To have that euphoric feeling pulse through out body and mind. To replace stress and fear and doubt with the feeling of being happy. Everything we do is driven to accomplish that simple human emotion. Freud purported that everything we do and everything that drives us is related in some way to sex. That ...
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