Published on August 29, 2014
If we are lucky. Really lucky, we get to do those things in life that our heart beats for. It's different for us all. Some may find passion in nature. Others in capturing an image in a picture, or on a canvas or in the creation of a relationship that provides for mutual benefit. Regardless of what it is we do "for a living" the world rewards those whose skills go from good to better then best. Think back to when you started anything. Even those things you may have had a natural aptitude for. We just weren't that good. ...
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Published on August 28, 2014
I love to stand back and watch the reaction when I ask this question. It is usually the first question I ask of all audiences I speak to. I think it is one of the great questions of life and remarkably one almost no one takes the time to ask.
As we spin about in a communication driven world, fuelled by the Internet and Facebook; CNN and MySpace; Instant messaging, text on the go and video conferencing, this one little question gets lost in the frantic pace of life. I mean take a moment and really consider it. Isn't finding ...
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Published on August 27, 2014
There is no straight path to victory. There just isn't . It never was and never will be that way. Along the way to our destination we can be almost certain that the pitfalls and obstacles will challenge our resolve. For many the sad reality is that they stop. They become convinced that this one challenge is the battle to end all battles and we wave the white flag of surrender. For others it only serves to strengthen and teach. While waiting for an appointment I was leafing through a book. It told the story of the failures of history that ...
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Published on August 26, 2014
Those who are very fortunate in life love their work. The emotions that erupt from personal satisfaction blur between the hours divided from our so called "work" and "private" life. For those not entirely enamored with the time spent "working" there is a very important step to take that is necessary in ensuring a certain quality of life. This endeavor was noted in the words of the American Constitution. It was called "The Pursuit of Happiness". Happiness for a great many comes from that precious part of our lives we carve out to live and enjoy and smile and relax. ...
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Published on August 25, 2014
We often are reminded of how important it is to listen. Statements like "we have one mouth and two ears so you should listen twice as often as we talk" are common place. Listening is not only polite and thoughtful, it's also potentially life changing. At a meeting I spoke at today the regional manager shared a story that changed his life. As a boy growing up in a small town in India he was told again and again that it didn't matter if you went to school or not you would still end up as a farmer and broke. ...
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Published on August 22, 2014
Anything. Period. All we need is the desire and the method. The method can be found in any number of places. The desire usually comes when you utter those most profound words. "I just don't want to live like this anymore". Once you do the action is put into motion to begin to focus in on the work that will bring about the change. The belief is this process appeared to be rampant in our house one day a few years ago when my 6 year old proved out his own belief. He had one of those days when the discipline ...
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Published on August 21, 2014
All the things you don't need in life have a way of just piling up. With life moving at, well, the speed of life there are things about ourselves and our hopes and goals and dreams that can get out of control and be easily missed if we don't look inside from time to time. I had a great chance to see this after getting back from a trip over the weekend. While putting things away I we started going through closets and drawers. We think of ourselves as those people who keep on top of things but after 2 boxes ...
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Published on August 20, 2014
There is no straight path to any destination, be it victory or failure. The path we all travel is a winding one full of pitfalls and surprises. Rewards and heartbreak. Along this journey we may encounter dips in the market. Clients who change their mind mind-stream for no good reason. New competition or missed opportunity. There is nothing more challenging that we face however than that voice in our head that is constantly challenging all of our hopes and goals and dreams. I had a great conversation with a client and friend late today about how well his year had ...
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Published on August 19, 2014
There are things we can do in life that have a questionable affect on what we can achieve. There are others that can be measured. At the top of the list is the power of the written word. The simple act of capturing a thought on paper and proposing a step that will move us forwards, even in the smallest way possible, is the spark that creates the combustion between the dream and it's reality. I was speaking at a sales conference last week and we were talking about those things that have the potential to breathe life into dreams. ...
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Published on August 18, 2014
One of the great challenges when considering embarking on a new direction with new goals and dreams is to first get the mind to buy into it. After all, it is belief that is the single greatest tool involved in the success process.
Here is where you should look for inspiration. In the mirror. I want you to consider for a moment the current job you are in. Then consider this. What if the person you were on the first day when you stepped into your new career had a chance to interview you today and was able ...
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