Words to live by. Your own.

"Words to live by. Your own. Words carry such power. I make my living as a wordsmith. My challenge each and every day is to try and find the words that can help you see more that you believe is currently there. There is a fine line and a bit of a tricky business with whose words we choose to make our own. The great prize for us all is living an authentic life. True success, as Jim Rohn once said is to, "Design our own lives and pull it off". Quotes are a favorite of a great many and there are thousands of websites devoted to the collection of the great quotes. One was sent to me today from an online group I belong to and it caused this perspectives to be written. The words written by Confucius were. "To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness." Great words. Powerful words. Inspiring words. Yet these words are not mine and they are not yours. Here is what I thought of when reading the words. We should write our own. The words I write may not win a Pulitzer Prize for literature but they will be mine. I think its a worthy use of your time to write your own words. Your own manifesto of life. Those words that spell out who you are and what matters to you an what you aspire to become. I would suggest beginning with the following. "This is how I choose to live my life.................................... They will carry more power than any words you could find. They will be the words to live by. Your own. Have an excellent day.
Taylormade Leadership

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