Tinkering on The Edge of Passion

"To live the life we are capable and deserving of or maintain the status quo"?  Now there is a great question. My wife who is one of the nations top nutritionists has often said, "Food never tastes as good as health feels".  So true.  Those who taste health understand the value of the occasional trade off for the second basket of bread during dinner.  If there was ever one great skill I would seek to possess it would be the ability to allow everyone and anyone to taste their own passion.  If only for just a moment.  If I were able to do that the majority would find it so intoxicating they would push aside the liar in their head and just set out to do what was necessary to have it.  I was astounded a few years ago to hear the results from the latest poll that stated 84% of Canadians said they were going to be looking for a new job in 2011.  A sea of disenchantment.  I met with a client today.  A client who is very, very successful and when we started to discuss this notion of discovering his great passion I saw for just a moment that glint in his eye of "it doesn't seem possible but I know it would be fantastic".  Here is something I tell everyone and I want you to consider seriously.  if you are not doing what you are wired to do or living with passion know that there are two options open to us all when considering change.  There is the bridge and the cliff.  When choosing the cliff we just make the Perspectives - Where you are now has nothing to do with where you can go by Randy Taylor of Taylormade Leadership @TheWinnerWithin (Social)decision and jump from where we are to where we hope to be.  When choosing the cliff, we can use our current situation to plan and prepare and transition to that great passion filled life that is calling us.  Here's what you can do at this exact moment.  You can choose.  You can decide to do something about it and set the wheels in motion or you can stay where you are.  Tinkering on the edge of passion.  The choice is yours.  Have an excellent day. Be well, Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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