There Is No Best Before Date On Passion

No Best Before DateWe are all consistently challenged by what we are told and taught as to how this thing called life should unfold.  We are to go to school at this age, rebel against the world here, graduate then, fall in love about here, have some kids soon, drive up and down the highway for a paycheck and never question what this is all about.  One of those things we are taught is that whatever we do and what we love and what we are good at will become clear in the early part of the journey.  Branching off into something totally brand new well past the half way point of life is thought to be odd.  If you veer too far from the path it gets labeled a mid-life crisis.  I have a name for the label.  Hogwash!  There are no rules if you choose to live without them. Who says this is how it is and should be?  I had an experience recently that brought this into perfect focus.  My boy and I were invited up to fish last fall at the cottage of a client and good friend.  Back at the cottage Bill showed me the handiwork his dad and mom had created in the cottage.  From barn boards and barn beams his parents had themselves built all the finishing touches in the cottage including floors, kitchen cabinets beds and more.  His dad worked in sheet metal all his life and up until 5 years ago both he and his mom (who is a full partner in this venture) had never done this before.  On a chance I asked Bill's dad if he would be able to build two display cabinets for our dining room. He agreed, took the measurements and today they have found a home in our dining room. I simply cannot tell you how absolutely incredible they are and how detailed the workmanship is.  My wife and I sat going on and on about how amazing they are.  She said, "You know, one day they will be left to our kids" and with any luck their kids. I thought about how fortunate for us that these wonderful people found something later on in life that they are so darned good at and at passionate about.  Here's what all this means I guess.  If we are open.  If we remain curious.  If we don't listen to all those rules that tell us what to think and what to do, we too at any time along this journey could find something that makes us and the world smile over what we discovered.  Know this.  There is no best before date on passion.  Have an excellent day.
Be well,
Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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