The Very Best Pay Check

The Very Best Pay CheckWhat does our work provide?  For most almost the entire focus is on the monetary gain and what is made possible by that.  "My paycheck allows for the mortgage payment.  Groceries.  Car insurance.  Phone bills.  Hydro costs. Taxes. Taxes. Taxes. A new pair of shoes and if we are very fortunate a week at the cottage.  A great round of golf and an ice cold beer".  The exchange of goods and services.  Without question this is one element of the equation but it certainly should not be the only one.  Given that 84% of Canadians reported that they would be looking for a new job in 2011 the money alone does not appear to be the elixir that breeds happiness.  Here is what can come from our work. The realization that we make a difference.  That we in some small way matter.  That what we do impacts the lives of others in a positive way.  This is a benefit you will never find etched in a union or employment contract. It can't be mandated.  It has to come from the individual and from the heart.  When it does the personal remuneration is beyond measure. I woke up this morning and received an e-mail from a past client who wanted to let me know how much my coaching program had done for him.  His business far surpassed where he thought he could be.  He had just proposed to his girlfriend and she accepted and he was e-mailing me while looking out the window of his hotel in France at the Eiffel Tower.  I make a very good living at what I do but the truth is that  this e-mail is why I do this.  To be able to help others adopt the question I found as a young man that said, "Where you are now has nothing to do with where you can go".  That question has made it half way around the world.  I can tell you honestly what became of it. The very best paycheck I've ever had.  Have an excellent day. Be well, Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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