Pay Attention to The Milestones

"What is it that will help me to believe I can do this or accomplish that or become more than I am now?" The reality is that it is our life's experience that shines the light on the path of the unknown.  No goal is achieved and no accomplishment laid out in one giant step.  The only way I believe I can "stand here" is by first "standing there".  Growth is a process and no motivator so great as to witness progression in our own experience.   Great lessons in life sometimes come from the most unlikely places.  I was in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago and stopped for a late dinner at a restaurant across the street.  Walking in I took little notice of the name, but sitting and going over the menu trying to decide what to order, the name jumped off the page and spoke to me.  "Milestones" - that one word started the kaleidoscope to play in my mind of just that.  The milestones in my life that I have gone back to over again and again and again when I lacked confidence or needed re-assurance that it would work out.  Movies played out in my mind of going from life on the streets to make it to normal.  Of jumping off the cliff into broadcasting at $4.25 an hour part time at 28 years old and then seeing my face on billboards promoting my radio show at the largest station in the nation.  Of jumping off the cliff again 12 years ago with the hope of working Perspectives - The Power to Change from Within by Randy Taylor of Taylormade Leadership @TheWinnerWithin (Social)with others to help them become more and to now see the logos of some of the largest companies in this nation on my website.  Here is what I now know.  Without them, every step up the ladder would have been so much more difficult.  Do this then.  Whenever challenged by the liar in your head play back the movies in your mind of when you won.  Pay attention to the milestones.  Have an excellent day. Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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