You Can Make More Money, But You Can't Make More Time

Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 3.20.38 PM We are taught the price of things since we are small. "Make sure you get value for your money" is a statement often put forward along the learning curve of life.  Good advice really. The expectation of receiving value we hope translates to the providing of value on the other end of the spectrum. If confronted with a value proposition involving money I am certain the answer would come easily. For dress shirts normally priced from $50-75. how likely would I be to purchase a shirt with a $675. price tag?  Easy answer. No in this lifetime. I could not justify spending that much money on just one shirt. This same process of value evaluation often gets lost in other areas of life. "If I get this, how much will I pay for it"?  We were driving through downtown last night and passed the Living Arts Centre. I turned to my son and said, "You performed there you know". He didn't remember. He was in grade one at the time and along with a number of other classes put on a production shortly after it was built.  I recall still being housebound from surgery I was not able to attend. The stories that poured out when he came bounding in the door that night made me realize just how much I missed. The rave reviews from his mom and grandparents read like Siskel and Ebert gushing over the greatest thespian offering of the year. "There are not many times when my child will be on stage like this" I thought listening to the stories. I remember thinking I sure wish I could have been there. This time I was physically prevented from going and had no choice but I thought of all the times we do make choices in the moment and pay too much. It would be so easy for any of us to book a meeting, or take new business or chase after the wrong prize. The great allure of money can often dull the senses when common sense should be what prevails. Here's what this all means I guess. Make certain you get value from all of life's offerings, not just those where money trades hands. Here is the defining point. "You can always make more money, but you can't make more time". Have an excellent day.

Be well,

Randy Taylor


Taylormade Leadership

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