Is There A Responsibility?
Published on October 08, 2014
The direction we choose in life is largely affected by the experiences we have on our journey. I don't want to be the one to alter your personal philosophy or nudge it from its path, but I would like to ask you to think about something. The human experience is a fascinating endeavour. Only because we live in this collective environment are we allowed to partake in all that is possible. The billions of others who inhabit this planet make possible our community, our marketplace, our social network and world opportunities.
Here is what I realized a very long time ago, and I expect it was instrumental in helping me leave where I was to be able to arrive at where I am today. I won the lottery. The lottery being that I was born here. Think for just a minute of how fantastic it is that you were born in this country or moved here. A nation of only 30 million people in a world of some seven billion! The odds of it happening to you works out to a one in over two hundred chance!! How fantastic the odds to be here now. The "where" provides for safety and security and abundance, opportunity and promise. There are hundreds of millions who share our species but can't fathom the opportunity that has been thrust into our view and grasp. So then the question. "Because of what we have been given, is there a responsibility to do great things with it? I think so.
I have a client who grew up in Russia under very difficult circumstances. As a child, she considered herself fortunate to be given a banana once every year or two. Since coming to this country she is fascinated everyday that she gets to eat a banana. And she does. She eats a banana every day. Here's the point to all of this I guess. While I nor the world or any other should ever tell you what to do, becoming all we can given what we have may be our true destiny. To think that we are given the seed and soil and sun and rain to be and have and become anything in life, but fail to harvest the crop of our potential feels in some way counter to our very existence. In his speech in January of 1961 John Kennedy said, "For those to whom much is given, much is required". Taking heed of this responsibility may just be that first brilliant spark to creating an extraordinary life. Never lose sight of the fact that living here comes with a responsibility. Take what we have and run with it. Have an excellent day.
Be well,
Randy Taylor