How Do You Show Up In The Media

We live in an age of instant messaging and permanent record.  I remember when I first started in broadcasting.  Back in the early 80's pretty much the only source for a story were the reporters themselves.  It was rare that a member of the public would be the source or capture an event on camera.  Also what was reported was almost exclusively the choice and purview of the media.  Not so today.  Every one of us with a cell phone camera or Facebook page or Twitter account can fill in for the nightly news.  It's different today.  The record of how we act and what we say and who we are is recorded indelibly for posterity.  Every e-mail we send.  Every post on Facebook is there for all time.  I watched the movie "Social Media" a while back.  It peeled back the boyish image to reveal the blemishes on Mark Zuckerberg, the world's youngest billionaire.  His little university project now boasts over a Billion-plus members.  The story told of lawsuits of plagiarism, the betrayal of his best friend and alienation from others important in his life.  I have no idea how much was fact and how much was fiction.  I expect its somewhere in between.  What I do know is that the cost to his name is not something money can correct.  Good idea Perspectives - Where you are now has nothing to do with where you can go by Randy Taylor of Taylormade Leadership @TheWinnerWithin (Social)then to adopt the philosophy to treat those on the way up the way you would want to be treated on the way down.  Today more than ever in history who we are and how we show up is recorded for all to see; today and for ever.  Set the goal then that you are the one with the most discerning eye.  Ask this question.  How do you show up in the social media?  Have an excellent day. Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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