Give the Earth a Hug

In order to create anything, we need the ingredients to make it happen.  Even when you are looking to make lemonade you need lemons to make it possible.  The greatest challenge we all have is not the ingredients or opportunity, its the voice inside our head challenging our potential.  If you want to improve your health the elements are out there to make it happen.  If you want to grow your business there are clients waiting to be found.  To improve the lives of our families there is time we can carve out to spend with them to make it happen.  Living in this part of the world we need to know that whatever we need to have or become anything we want is there for the asking.  I was having a discussion with my 5 year old girl and out of the blue she said, "I would like to be able to hug the world".  Amused I asked her why.  "Because it has everything"  she said matter of factly.  Oh, the Perspectives - Where you are now has nothing to do with where you can go by Randy Taylor of Taylormade Leadership @TheWinnerWithin (Social)great minds and pure wisdom of our children.  She's right you know. It's all there.  Everything and anything you need to create the life you are deserving of is out there if you look long enough to find it.  All you need do it commit to the search and don't stop until you find it.  When you do you might just be the next to say that you would like to "give the earth a hug".  Have an excellent day. Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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