Don't Wish For It To Get Better. It Is

"Oh, if only this would change" the person says. "Then I would be able to get this done or accomplish that".  Some would think this weakness. I know it for what it is which is conditioning.  We are conditioned throughout our entire lives to look for the pitfalls and to own the excuses rather than simply rolling up our sleeves and getting busy with the task of doing.  A client forwarded on a link to an e-mail of where technology is going.  If you would like to watch it here is the link.  He called it "peering into the future".  It really is incredible to see where technology is going and it is exciting of what lies just beyond the next hill.  After watching this I started to think about the impact this and all thought has on us of "It will be better when".  "I will grow my business when this is available.  I will improve my health when this changes.  I will spend time with my kids Perspectives - The Power to Change from Within by Randy Taylor of Taylormade Leadership @TheWinnerWithin (Social)when that becomes possible".  If we are honest and look around its easy to see that we don't have to wait.  At this exact moment we have everything we need to become or go or have anything we choose if only we committed to investing the action necessary right now.  Here is what all this means I guess.  Don't wish for it to get better.   Plan for you to start now.  Have an excellent day. Randy Taylor
Taylormade Leadership

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