The Winner Within

Coaching Program Overview

For a complete overview of the program watch the video below.


View a Complete Program Overview in PDF

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for yourself or your team click here.

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Randy Taylor is a person you will look back on in your life and say……. “Boy am I glad I met him.  He helped me change my life!”    He will help  you to realize how we all tend to make the little problems in  our lives larger than they really are.  He will help you to break down your goals into small, manageable tasks so that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.   Randy will help you to realize the answer to “HOW BAD DO ...
Craig Mackenzie


"I've had the privilege of knowing and working with Randy for a number of years. I've always been fascinated with his personable approach and the unique perspective he brings to each presentation. I would recommend Randy and his sevices unconditionally to any individual looking to maximize the inner power that exists in all of us."
Jon Juras-Regional

Director-Investors Group Hamilton

I have been to many workshops and seminars and Randy’s has made the most sense and the results are already showing.  I would recommend this program to all levels of business owners to take your business to the next level.  
Sheila Kirkeby

“The Randy Taylor Winner Within program provides advisors with valuable practice management tools as well as addressing the core motivational requirements for long term success. It is a succinct compilation of many of the best programs I have taken over the past 25 years. However, the follow up and daily exercises are what differentiates the program from all others. I would strongly recommend this program for advisors of all tenure.”
Frank Santelli

Regional Director-Investors Group

I want to thank you for what I consider to be the best training program I have ever attended.  The last three months of my life has been more productive and fulfilling than at any other time.  My life has truly changed because of you and I wish I had the opportunity to attend this program when I first began in this profession.  The program has helped me both from a business and personal perspective.  I recommend your training program to anyone.  Please continue to transform lives and help people discover the winner within....
Gavin Jansen


I have taken Randy Taylor’s program “The Winner Within” and have recommended it to many of my colleagues and friends. To say that we have been thoroughly impressed is a gross understatement. I am particularly pleased with the impact he has made on both my business and personal life in the last year. My goal was to create a deeper level of “conscious” competency in my business so I may better impact those I coach and develop. I would highly recommend him and now understand that Randy makes people better at what they want ...
Mike Woods

CFP Director of Business Development Freedom 55 Financial

After completing your three-month course I can’t do without planning my day the night before anymore. When the self-employment solution was introduced I wasn’t sure how effective it was going to be.. As a result of your program I have achieved Pillar in my first 10 months and I’m getting closer to Pillar Plus each week. I achieved Level 2 in the Pursuit of Excellence sales contest in November and I know that this had a direct influence. I look forward to using this technique for the rest of my career! 
Luke Scott

I started being coached by Randy Taylor 6 months ago, and since coming under his tutelage I have seen a noticeable and ever-increasing improvement in my efficiency and organization. During this period my business has doubled year over year. This quantum shift in my performability has allowed me to get in front of numerous high net worth clients whilst preparing me to better facilitate their needs. Randy is a highly motivating financial lifestyle enhancement specialist and I owe the lion's share of my newfound success and revitalization to him. This program is the cream of the crop, ...
Naunidh Singh Hunjan

Naunidh Singh Hunjan (Nona) CLU, CHS, EPC

To anyone considering taking part in Randy’s program, I have one small piece of advice: just do it! For me, the experience has been one that truly removed the veil of doubt from over my eyes and opened my sight to the true possibility of my own potential. The assignments Randy provides make you really look within yourself and discover truths that were either forgotten or never discovered to begin with. They provide action and accountability, key ingredients to the success of one’s goals. On top of the coaching, Randy always makes himself available to share ...
Elena Barone


This is the next step in the success coaching by Taylormadeleadership. Wow! What an eye opener in focus and success? From fully understanding your "WHY" to implementing strategies to increase your success, I fully endorse this course for meaning full strategies. It has been one year since taking this course and honing my focus and direction has driven my business to new heights.
Jim French

CFP Senior Financial Advisor

Since working with Randy Taylor over the past several months my I cannot believe the changes that have come about.  What was once my yearly income is now my monthly income.  As of this afternoon I surpassed my goals of $1 million and will receive my Pillar Award.  Randy, I could not have done this without you.  I know you took a chance on me and am I ever glad that you did.
Adrian Dew


"Randy is my professional coach that I have been working with since the fall of 2011. My decision to work with Randy has proven to be one of the best moves I have made and as a result, have recommended Randy countless times. Randy helped me simplify my business, thus increasing my effectiveness. Also by Randy helping me to put everything into perspective, I now know truly "why" I am in my profession; which is fundamental for success! Needless to say I have noticed an immediate positive change in my Financial Planning practice. However, what really resonates with ...
Kevin Hutton


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