On Your Mark……Go! Managing Disruptive Change


In this keynote Randy shares how to understand human behaviour to positively lead change.

Many organizations experience explosive growth through change while others struggle to keep up with the disruption of change. Randy knows that having a fundamental understanding of Leadership and Employee behaviour through any transition is the most important aspect to managing change. He helps organizations understand why there is resistance to change and how to move from the paralysis of thinking about it to taking the important step of doing  something about it.

This keynote is a mix of science, strategies, humour and proven examples using easy-to-follow methods that empower organizations to move beyond resisting change to leveraging the opportunities change can bring.

Attendees will learn

Inquire About Having Randy Taylor For Your Keynote Or Training Seminar At Your Next Event


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“Randy Taylor is a captivating speaker with a powerful message. While delivering the keynote for PMI-SOC Professional Development Day in 2011 he got reviews such as “best speech I heard in years”. I certainly hope to have the chance to work with or at least listen to Randy again soon.” 
George Jucan

Director PMI-SOC

Randy recently delivered his extraordinary ‘Trustworthy Selling’ presentation at our annual Sales Congress conference in BC and Toronto and had our 200 plus conference delegates riveted to their seats. The presentation was entertaining, compelling and clearly came from the heart. Randy reminds us of what’s important in life and why we do what we do.  Randy definitely inspires passion and well earned the stellar reviews. Thanks Randy! – Paul Grimes-Senior Vice-President, Sales Industrial Alliance  
Paul Grimes

Industrial Alliance

“Many thanks for the motivating and inspiring seminar “Life Before Can’t.” The response was overwhelming. I especially appreciated the way in which you took the time to get to know AIM Trimark’s principles and integrated them within your talk. Feedback included comments such as “Randy beautifully articulated a powerful message. His talk was captivating” I would definitely recommend Randy Taylor and look forward to working together again.
Gurpreet Singh

AIM Trimark, Toronto Head Office

“Randy Taylor made a lasting impression on our team. His messages about living with passion and discovering your vision were very powerful. His real-life examples brought it to life and made it relatable to everyone. Many employees approached me afterwards to thank me for bringing Randy in to speak to us and to let me know how appreciated they felt”.
Tara Yelle

Manager HRSDC Ontario Region

Randy Taylor is truly a very motivational speaker.  From the heart he delivered a powerful “winner within” presentation at our National Sales meeting which set the stage for thought, motivation and finding the winner within each one of us to make the change to be the best we can be in our personal and professional lives.            Comments from Attendees Randy Taylor because his presentation was unique and he was an amazing speaker. The Winner Within - The Power of Why - Very motivating and helpful to build up confidence to reach ...
Nancy Kent

Director, Individual Sales and Distribution Equitable Life of Canada

“Randy captured the staff immediately with his personal story and experiences.  His talk was inspiring, motivating and encouraging.  I would highly recommend Randy for any conferences or keynote sessions.  He has the skill, charisma and ability to “fire up” an audience.    
Elizabeth Davison

Manager, Alzheimer Program Providence Healthcare

“Your message was both encouraging and thought provoking. It prompted a high degree of self-reflection, pushing us to seek out our own “Winners Within”, and was taken not just a a business or professional context, but personal as well”
Sid Kerrigan

President, Brookfield Homes Canada

The experience of this years RNL conference for our members was an extremely positive one!! The keynote speaker, Randy Taylor, was fantastic! His message really hit home with our group, and he is an inspiration for sure.!We are already making arrangements for next year in Gander.
Matthew Worthman

President Newfoundland Recreation

“Your words and message made us all believe that we can be better people at work or at home.  I highly recommend having Randy Taylor as a speaker for any organization-especially for those who want to show their employees that they care about them as individuals and want the best for them”
Sari Friedman

HR Director

“Randy’s passionate approach to telling the story of ‘what is possible’ was powerful. Our conference delegates were riveted to their seats during this impactful and motivational session and they felt the electrifying wave of ‘can do’ attitude that Randy embodied! Entertaining, funny and impactful! Well done!”
Carol-Ann Gillard

CEO Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Association

“We recently engaged Randy Taylor to give the keynote address to our senior management group who had gather for our annual strategic planning meeting. Randy’s experience and study of human behavior allowed him to provide our team with valuable insights into human potential and “the winner within” each of us. Randy’s talk was highly inspirational and helped to set the stage for our strategic planning session.” Rick Degendorfer

SGS Canada

“The inspirational experiences Randy talked about to overcome obstacles and to achieve his dreams was exactly what I enjoyed.  Randy explained that we all have the tools and ability to achieve excellence and to further understand and believe in our potential.  Thank you again from Team ACT.   
Robert Beerkens

National Account Manager ACT Teleconferencing Canada

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