
Coaching Program Overview

For a complete overview of the program watch the video below.


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"Randy is a great coach, mentor and friend. Randy has helped me to achieve goals that I knew I could achieve but didn't know how. I had used other coaches before. He has helped me realize what is possible to achieve, too many coaches focus on systems and promise quick results. Randy was honest, he told me what is I needed to do and held me accountable. Randy worked on the mental aspects of what I needed to be successful. I'm loving the journey!"
Andrew Jones


"Randy is my professional coach that I have been working with since the fall of 2011. My decision to work with Randy has proven to be one of the best moves I have made and as a result, have recommended Randy countless times. Randy helped me simplify my business, thus increasing my effectiveness. Also by Randy helping me to put everything into perspective, I now know truly "why" I am in my profession; which is fundamental for success! Needless to say I have noticed an immediate positive change in my Financial Planning practice. However, what really resonates with ...
Kevin Hutton


"Randy Taylor is a true professional and great mentor.
I first met Randy at my Financial Center in the fall of 2011 where he asked a group of Advisors : "Why are you here?"
That question alone has caused me to sign up with Randy and I have never looked back. He has been a true believer in me and has shown me why I am truly in this business and how to structure my business more efficiently and show me how to be not only a better advisor, but a better person. He has helped me ...
Don Kellough

Senior Advisor-CFP

Over a period of many years as an investment advisor, I had listened to numerous tapes or attended seminars given by "motivational" speakers. There was always a missing link that left audience members, especially me, asking the question…how??? What is the process? Randy Taylor has done exactly that for me. Over the past 14 months, my "book size" has increased by over 15% and I achieved a record level in revenue production.
This in what can easily be described as one of the most tumultuous financial periods in recent history. I credit Randy with helping ...
Albert Brandstatter

National Bank Financial

As soon as we finished with your 1st session, …I asked myself the most important question I’ve had in my nearly 40 years: “What is really possible for me?”, and from that day on, your coaching program has helped me to re-set my priorities in my life, and to know  “Why I am doing this?” It has being by far, the most enjoyable and the BEST program I have ever been introduced to, because it does not end with the sessions, it goes with me every day of the rest of my life.-
Mauricio Certantes

I have read numerous books, attended numerous seminar/lectures, watched many videos on the theory but none of them show you how to start on the path and what to do to continue. Randy Taylor has mastered the process to truly become successful. I am now on my 6th month of the process and the changes I have seen in my personal, family and work life are almost unbelievable.  Thanks Randy for making it so simple.
Jim French

CFP, CGA Senior Financial Consultant

Randy creates breakthroughs. He helps you get balance, focus -- and direction. Double your income.
Julian Wise

Wise Advisory

"I first met Randy at an industry meeting and heard him speak about how we typically stop before we get to where we are going. It made sense so I approached him after the seminar and hired him to assist me break through to the next level.

For the next while, I and a group of others met with Randy and were guided to learn more about where we were, where we wanted to go and how to get there. This incredible insight spurred on by Randy allowed me to indeed break through in 2011 as did other ...
Brian Shumak

Senior Financial Advisor-CFP

I want to personally thank Randy Taylor for thetremendous value and service he has provided over the past six months. I attribute your group and one on one sessions as the singlebiggest reason thatI have re-positioned my perspectives in a number of areas. I,like many have in the past been skeptical of services offered by various self-proclaimed“coaches”. My business and personal focus is moving in the desired direction thanks greatly to Randy’s mentorship. I have and will continue to recommend Randy Taylor’s program.
Gary Hogan


I started being coached by Randy Taylor 6 months ago, and since coming under his tutelage I have seen a noticeable and ever-increasing improvement in my efficiency and organization. During this period my business has doubled year over year. This quantum shift in my performability has allowed me to get in front of numerous high net worth clients whilst preparing me to better facilitate their needs. Randy is a highly motivating financial lifestyle enhancement specialist and I owe the lion's share of my newfound success and revitalization to him. This program is the cream of the crop, ...
Naunidh Singh Hunjan

Naunidh Singh Hunjan (Nona) CLU, CHS, EPC

After working with Randy Taylor for 10 months on a one on one basis I can say it was a very valuable and extremely timely experience.  I think the most important things I took away were: Creating a vision for the future and what I wanted to achieve Setting up a tracking system for the business - I think the tracking system I set up with your help is far superior to the one we use at IG. I have much better time management now - the tracking system helps and when it is coordinated with a day plan - ...
Zehra Mahoon


I’ve been in the financial planning business for 14 years and have taken a lot of courses and spent a lot of money. I can tell you that by far this is the best I have been involved with. The price is very reasonable and I have seen improvements in my business, but it is much more than that. I have refocused on my health and my family and I am more focused than I have ever been before. I would highly recommend the program
Bill Richardson


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