The Power Of Perspective
Published on October 10, 2014
Interesting that today I chose to write about the very title of this piece everyday. Each day brings a new light and a new challenge and a new opportunity or a new heartbreak. Putting what we face into perspective is one of the best medicines I know for helping us get through the day and over the next hill. I was thinking today about the knee surgery I had four years ago. A winning shot at squash led to an ACL being torn completely off. Going through the process in my mind I thought back to 30 years ago when I had the identical surgery on the other knee. Surgery has improved greatly since then, but I knew the pain for the first few days will be intense and the rehab after will be long. It was about a year I was told until I would be back playing again. I was thinking about it while waiting for an appointment and glanced down at my knee. At the time. In the moment after surgery. Not feeling like I would get through the day, I could not imagine when the time would come that it would just become a memory. Thinking back put the process into perspective. Soon I realized. Soon this too will be all over. The pain would subside, the rehab will come and go and I will be back standing on the court ready to serve. Here's what made it appear better today. Perspective. Having something to compare where I am to where I was brought comfort and resignation to the fact that it will come and go and will then just become a distant memory. Do that then. When faced with a challenge, look back over your own life or the life of another and use it as the proof that in fact one day very soon, this too will all be a memory. That's it. The power of perspective. Have an excellent day.
Be well,
Randy Taylor